Girls Golf Rocks

Join us for our Girls Golf Rocks Camp 1 at Paultons Golf Centre

Girls Golf Rocks Camp – Paultons Golf Centre, 27th and 28th May

The camp will be:

• FUN!

• Team/group-based activity

• Varied to include a taste of all aspects of golf

• Include social time either at the beginning or end (or both)

During the camp you will receive a Girls Golf Rocks goodie bag which includes a polo shirt and water bottle.

In the event of adverse weather, or if you are unable to attend your course for any reason, then please contact the club direct.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes ahead of the session time. You can wear what you like if it’s comfy and keeps you warm or cool depending on the weather! Trainers are suitable footwear.

We hope you enjoy your Girls Golf Rocks camp!

Course Status

Manor Course - Open⛳️


18 holes open, please be aware course maintenance is commencing Monday 19th August 2024. Buggies and trollies full access.

Forest Course - Open⛳️

18 holes open, please be aware course maintenance is commencing Monday 19th August 2024. Trollies full access.


Last Updated — 07:00, 1st August 2024

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