Ladies' Section Archived News

External Competitions

Over the course of this season 2021 to 2022 nearly 40 women have been asked to represent Bramshaw in the external competitions. Nearly 30 were available on the dates that we needed them! It is very pleasing that so many of our members were keen to play, even when the golf calendar was very busy and it was difficult to fit fixtures in.

We have taken part in a wide range of competitions. Some are national competitions, for example the Annodata tournament, and some are competitions organised by other clubs in Hampshire and beyond. The great highlight of last year was our winning the Hayling Island Centenary Salver which we held for the next twelve months.

We couldn’t quite replicate this success this year but we did have some great results. Julie Henman and Julie Morgan made it through to round three of the Daily Mail competition, and Jennie Hiles and Janice Bernard were runners up (on countback!) in the HLGCA Centenary Foursomes finals played at Wellow in September.

The external competitions provide us with great opportunities to play competitive golf with local clubs, across a range of handicaps. I would like to thank everyone who was willing to support Bramshaw, enjoy golf which is both social and competitive, and keeps up our presence as a great golf club in the local area.

Thanks again to everyone,

Janice Bernard

October 2022

New Forest Rally

Each September a team from Bramshaw takes part in the New Forest  Golf Club Rally which is a fun, but competitive day with an opportunity to play with ladies from other clubs. It’s an ideal competition to enter for new members, those who haven’t previously played in an external

competition or have a higher handicap. Entry sign sheets are usually put up in the locker room in late spring or early summer. Everyone is welcome to enter.


Romsey and Wellow Rallies

I have really enjoyed organising and being captain of the Wellow and Romsey Rallies for the last four years or so. We have been moving up the leaderboard at Wellow and were extremely happy to achieve fourth place this year – looking forward to hopefully getting a little higher in 2023.

Unfortunately there had to be last minute changes for the Romsey Rally this year due to unavoidable, unforeseen circumstances. Luckily replacements were found at short notice and a full team took part. Romsey is a tough course and although Bramshaw weren’t in the prizes everyone had a good day, particularly as this year they laid on a Gin Tent.

I’ve emailed the organisers of both competitions to thank them for the invitation to Bramshaw to take part and hopefully we will be invited again in 2023.


Stoneham Cup 2022

Our Stoneham endeavours finished this year with a resounding win (6-1) against Sherfield Oaks. This was a great finish to our season. having played eight matches – winning five and losing three. It was all very close in Group Three, where we marginally lost out and picked up second place to Alresford. As it was, Alresford did exceptionally well and were only beaten in the final by Sandford Springs – full results can be found by clicking the button below.

It was a truly strong Bramshaw performance and all of our squad, 17 in total, enjoyed the highs and made the best of the lows. Covering around 500 miles to get to the matches, including the courtesy practice rounds which thanks to the club we were able to offer on a reciprocal basis.

The squad was supportive, encouraging, committed and – of course – talented. Well done all and thank you Bramshaw Stoneham squad for a most enjoyable year.


Woods Report for 2022

The Woods Tournament replaced the old Beales Tournament for 28 clubs across Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire and one club in Somerset. Teams of five players were required to be in the Handicap Index range 20.5- 35.4.

The league stage was played in the months May to July with the semi-final and then final knockouts being played in August and September. This year the Bramshaw team performed well with some great wins in the league stage. However, we did not win enough and so did not progress to the semi-final. Our league was won by Barton-on Sea. We had a great squad of ladies who all enjoyed the singles match-play experience and we are looking forward to next season when we hope to improve our results.


Evening League 2022

After a slow start of three losses in a row, the ladies rallied to lose no more matches throughout the remainder of the season and finished equal third on 44 points out of ten teams.

With a large squad to choose from, we always had six players willing to take on the opposition whether it was at Paultons, on the Forest or the Manor. Matches were always competitive but played with friendly banter and mainly in good weather!

The fun night on Aug 8th was just that, with a quirky format and loud shirts the order of the day.  Well done to the Ladies teams who came first and second, you know who you are!

My thanks go to a brilliant squad who made my job so much easier and a special thanks to Alex Sizer who stepped in as captain when I was away.

Looking forward to next year already. 

Sharon Bennett

Congratulations to Caroline Richmond!

A huge well done to both Caroline Richmond and Dorothy Shore for their success at the Hampshire County Autumn Meeting which was held at Army Golf Course on Thursday, 29th September!

To find out more and see the full results, click below.

Ladies' Section Roles and Responsibilities.

Vice President – Sue Buenfeld

Captain – Julie Henman

Vice-Captain – Joy Fraser

Hon. Secretary, Communication and Liaison Officer – Julie Morgan

Hon. Treasurer – Mary Pease

Handicap Secretary – Berni Kemp

Competition Secretary – Sharon Bennett

Trophies & Hon. Boards – Karen King

Assistant – Trophies & Hon Boards – Erica Phillips

Almoner, New Members and Assist. Secretary – Sally Porter

External Competition – Sue Acklam

Other Responsibilities:

County Delegate – Carol Elderfield

Stoneham Cup Captains – Caroline Richmond & Jo Dalling

Woods Captain – Sandi Bryant

Evening League – Sharon Bennett

Course Status

Manor Course - Open⛳️

18 Holes open. Buggies must stick to paths however trollies are on as normal.







Forest Course - Open⛳️

Holes 3 & 4 closed.

Last Updated — 07:10, 12th March 2025

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